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Want to get companies list pytanie Rozwiązane

I want to access all companies list through API, We try to check but didn't found it. So can you help us to figure it our?

anonim 2023-10-30 13:53
Odpowiedź główna

you can fetch Clients via API:

Data is paginated, page= parameter allows to iteration over paginated records. By default it is '1' what gives first N records, when N is the limit of the records in response. In order to download next N records, parameter page=2 should be forwarded to call and so forth.
You can change the amount of records on one page via per_page=, max value is 100.

Best regards,


Odpowiedź główna (zespół fakturownia.pl)   Hello,
you can fetch Clients via API:

Data is paginated, page= parameter allows to iteration over paginated records. By default it is '1' what gives first N records, when N is the limit of the records in response. In order to download next N records, parameter page=2 should be forwarded to call and so forth.
You can change the amount of records on one page via per_page=, max value is 100.

Best regards,

2023-10-30 16:47

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