0 głosów

How can I correctly delete a product from an invoice using Fakturownia API? (Jak poprawnie usunąć produkt z faktury korzystając z API Fakturownia?) pytanie Nowe

ere are the details:

1. **Creating an Invoice**:
curl -X POST https://xxx.fakturownia.pl/invoices.json \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "QQQ",
"invoice": {
"kind": "receipt",
"lang": "pl",
"number": null,
"seller_name": "My firma",
"show_discount": 1,
"positions": [
"name": "price2",
"tax": 20.00000,
"total_price_gross": 2000.00,
"quantity": 2.0,
"discount_percent": 1.0,
"discount": 20.0000,
"quantity_unit": "szt"
"name": "percent2",
"tax": 20.00000,
"total_price_gross": 2000.00,
"quantity": 2.0,
"discount_percent": 10.0,
"discount": 200.0000,
"quantity_unit": "szt"
"buyer_company": 0,
"buyer_last_name": "0664324794",
"buyer_first_name": "0664324794"

Updating an Invoice (changing product names):
curl -X PUT https://xxx.fakturownia.pl/invoices/304979117.json \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "QQQ",
"invoice": {
"kind": "receipt",
"lang": "pl",
"seller_name": "My firma",
"show_discount": 1,
"positions": [
"id": 720511219,
"name": "price3",
"tax": 20.00000,
"total_price_gross": 2000.00,
"quantity": 2.0,
"discount_percent": 1.0,
"discount": 20.0000,
"quantity_unit": "szt"
"id": 720511220,
"name": "percent3",
"tax": 20.00000,
"total_price_gross": 2000.00,
"quantity": 2.0,
"discount_percent": 10.0,
"discount": 200.0000,
"quantity_unit": "szt"
"buyer_company": 0,
"buyer_last_name": "0664324794",
"buyer_first_name": "0664324794"

Issue: I need to delete a product from the invoice. I tried using the deleted field in the PUT request, but it did not work.

Attempt to Delete a Product:

curl -X PUT https://xxx.fakturownia.pl/invoices/304979117.json \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"api_token": "QQQ",
"invoice": {
"kind": "receipt",
"lang": "pl",
"seller_name": "My firma",
"show_discount": 1,
"positions": [
"id": 720511219,
"name": "price3",
"tax": 20.00000,
"total_price_gross": 2000.00,
"quantity": 2.0,
"discount_percent": 1.0,
"discount": 20.0000,
"quantity_unit": "szt"
"id": 720511220,
"deleted": true
"buyer_company": 0,
"buyer_last_name": "0664324794",
"buyer_first_name": "0664324794"

How can I correctly delete a product from an invoice using Fakturownia API? Is there a specific field or method I should use? Any advice or examples would be greatly appreciated.

Jak mogę poprawnie usunąć produkt z faktury za pomocą Fakturownia API? Czy jest jakieś konkretne pole lub metoda, której powinienem użyć? Wszelkie porady lub przykłady byłyby mile widziane.

anonim 2024-07-15 09:35
Odpowiedź główna

here you can find an exemplary request to delete an invoice position:

You can find the English documentation here if needed: https://github.com/invoiceocean/API?tab=readme-ov-file#9c, for our international version InvoiceOcean. The documentation is mostly the same.

Best regards,


Odpowiedź główna (zespół fakturownia.pl)   Hello,
here you can find an exemplary request to delete an invoice position:

You can find the English documentation here if needed: https://github.com/invoiceocean/API?tab=readme-ov-file#9c, for our international version InvoiceOcean. The documentation is mostly the same.

Best regards,

2024-07-15 09:55

Avatar sugester medium
Dziękuję bardzo! zakończył operację pomyślnie
W mojej prośbie muszę zamienić: „deleted”: true na „_destroy”: 1

2024-07-15 10:17

Odpowiedź główna (zespół fakturownia.pl)   Dziękuję za informację, w przypadku dodatkowych pytań, jestem do dyspozycji.


2024-07-15 10:29

Avatar sugester medium
Czy mogę gdzieś zapisać "swój id" dla pozycji faktury, aby móc później znaleźć odpowiedni obiekt z waszym "id"?

"positions": [
"id": 720604820,
"name": "price3",
"tax": 20.00000,
"total_price_gross": 2000.00,
"quantity": 2.0,
"discount_percent": 1.0,
"discount": 20.0000,
"quantity_unit": "szt",
"my_id": "local_id_123" # my ID

Dziękuję za pomoc!

2024-07-15 13:46

Avatar sugester medium
Odpowiada mi, jeśli go tutaj dodam.
"additional_fields": {
"my_id": 54119771

2024-07-15 14:10

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